The City of Sydney has released a new plan, titled the City north public domain plan, which will assist in creating better public spaces in the harbour city’s north.

With a number of key developments slated within the area including the Metro, the time is now to ensure the precinct bound by Martin Place and George, Bridge and Macquarie is pedestrian centric and biophilic.

“We are committed to transforming Sydney into a greener, safer, calmer city – where communities can come together and our streets are destinations, rather than simply a means of transiting from one place to another,” says Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore.

"You only need to look at the work we have done on George Street to see what’s possible. The conga-lines of buses on the clogged city street have been replaced by a beautiful tree-lined pedestrian boulevard through the heart of our city.

“The northern CBD is changing rapidly, with uptake of the Central Sydney Planning Strategy’s northern tower cluster, significant State Government infrastructure and transport projects including two new Metro Stations and several large planning proposals.

“These changes all significantly increase residential and employment floorspace and pedestrian numbers, increasing demands on the public domain. As we accelerate our plans to create a more connected and walkable city, the importance of seizing every opportunity to create new public spaces is at the front of mind.”

The plan identified opportunities for public space and greenery both now and into the future, while committing to acknowledge and embed Indigenous heritage into the precinct. The proposed projects will improve pedestrian access, social connection capabilities and enhance the precinct’s character.

Council endeavours to improve public spaces and pedestrian access in several streets, including Hunter, Spring, Loftus, and O'Connell. Changes include creating a new public square and adding more trees and wider footpaths. The city also aims to advocate for a public square at Circular Quay's water's edge and create linked park and garden spaces from Circular Quay to the south while reinforcing Martin Place as the city's premier public space.

Moore says new Metro stations and subsequent over-station development have thrust the Council into action.

“The Covid-19 pandemic showed us just how important the public spaces at the heart of our city are to both provide space for the community to come together as well as allowing businesses to take part in the activation of these emerging cultural hubs,” she says.

“Sydney is constantly evolving and big changes can’t be made in isolation. It’s vital we have plans like this to guide not just our planners but government and developers as we take the city into the future.

“This is particularly important in areas like Hunter Street, which will see a massive influx of people on foot when the Metro comes online. Thousands of commuters will come and go from the new Metro exits at George and O’Connell streets and we have to ensure the space is welcoming, walkable and safe.

“We also want to provide additional space for people and activation on Loftus Street, which provides an important connection between the northern central business district and Circular Quay. Loftus Street is no longer busy with through traffic, which affords us the ability to create more space for people to spill out for coffee, lunch or events. The proposed upgrade will provide a pedestrian priority, green canopy connection between Customs House Square, Jessie Street gardens, Macquarie Place Park and Farrer Place.”

To read the plan, click here.