Several initiatives have been announced as part of the proposed multi-million-dollar strategy to revitalise Haymarket and Chinatown in Sydney, and breathe new life into these iconic areas.

Following a consultation process with more than 1,150 residents, businesses and community members, the City of Sydney has prepared a Haymarket and Chinatown revitalisation strategy and updated its Haymarket public domain plan.

“Haymarket is one of Sydney’s most iconic urban villages and has long been recognised as a focal point for Asian food, cultures, and communities, both locally and internationally,” the Lord Mayor of Sydney, Clover Moore says.

“But the last few years have been incredibly challenging for the area, which was among the first areas in the city to be impacted by the pandemic. Businesses in Chinatown suffered greatly with venues capped or closed, people working from home and travel halted.”

However, with Haymarket going through significant change, and major NSW Government developments such as Tech Central under way in addition to significant private developments, it is the perfect time for a new overarching plan for the area, she adds.

“Through our extensive consultation we heard the community’s desire for a diverse, friendly and safe area that’s easy to navigate, with a range of food options and a streetscape that respects and celebrates the social and cultural history of the area.

“Our plans include a long-term upgrade of public space, with more trees, seats, lighting, and integrated public art, as well as a proposed review of planning controls to support businesses and make it easier for them to celebrate cultural heritage in lighting and building upgrades,” the Lord Mayor says.

The revitalisation strategy includes greater support for cultural events and activations in the area; a complete revitalisation of Dixon Street and its famous gates; transformation of the whole of Haymarket by celebrating its identity as a home for many Asian cultures; and a significant upgrade of Belmore Park, among others.

Since 2010, the City of Sydney has initiated numerous public place investments in the historic precinct, with a large-scale transformation of the Haymarket area through the $43.5 million pedestrianisation of George Street south, new public space at Thomas Street, public art projects, and upgrades to local streets like Kimber Lan, the Lord Mayor notes.

Chinatown’s revitalisation work began well before the pandemic, encompassing significant upgrades made to local streets and the pedestrianisation of George Street through Haymarket, introduction of night markets and other events including the annual Sydney Lunar Festival celebrations, and support for new cultural attractions such as public artworks and the recently opened Museum of Chinese in Australia.

“The new plans take this work to another level while continuing our focus on bringing together different cultural groups to celebrate the area’s heritage, history and features,” the Lord Mayor said.

“If approved, it will see the City of Sydney invest millions of dollars over the next 10 years to upgrade Goulburn, Sussex, Harbour, Quay and Thomas streets, to complete public domain improvements and reinstate light catenaries on Dixon Street, and upgrade Belmore Park.”

The City of Sydney has allocated $44 million in its long-term financial plan to fund works in Haymarket over the next 10 years.

Key features of the plan:

Dixon Street

The renewal of Dixon Street is at the heart of the revitalisation. Plans for the renewal are ongoing and ideas will be shared in September as plans are developed for the street.

Thai Town

During the consultation process, residents and businesses on Campbell Street told the City of Sydney they consider the area home to Thai Town. Streetscape improvements will highlight the cultural significance of the street and provide more space for outdoor dining.

Campbell Street - before and after

Campbell Street - before and after

Sussex Street

The plan integrates a street design that improves spaces for pedestrians, installs a canopy of deciduous trees, supports deliveries, servicing, drop offs and pickups, and enables cycling.

Sussex Street - before and after

Sussex Street - before and after

Belmore Park

Belmore Park is a key green space for the City of Sydney. By improving sightlines, entrances and edges in the park, as well as activating the centre and increasing recreation opportunities, this vital space will realise its potential as a green oasis in the city.

Harbour Street

The upgrade to Harbour Street will bring the heart of Chinatown and Darling Square together. The City of Sydney’s plans include major footpath widening on the eastern side, installation of social seating for large groups of people, and a special zone for markets, events and creative lighting.

Harbour Street - before and after

Harbour Street - before and after

Goulburn, Ultimo, Quay and Hay streets

Footpath upgrades, tree planting as well as increased social seating and outdoor dining along these key connectors are included in the changes to boost activity and business for these iconic streets.

A precinct of lights

Plans include a creative lighting master plan that will celebrate the cultural features of different streets, create a set of lighting features unique to the precinct, and explore public art that uses the medium of light.

The Lord Mayor said the City of Sydney would also explore opportunities to support events and activations.

“The draft plans propose spending more than half a million dollars over the next three years on precinct activation funding and supporting events held in Haymarket as well as $900,000 in grants for our shopfront activation program in Dixon Street,” she said.

In addition to significant public domain upgrades and the grants program, the City of Sydney will review its planning controls to make it easier for businesses and property owners to express the cultural heritage and future focus of the area.

The proposed changes will make it easier to install vibrant neon lighting and signs on private buildings and earmark several buildings and locations that may be eligible for heritage listing.

Collaboration and partnership are central to the success of the project, the Lord Mayor said.

“Working hand in hand with the community is a key part of our draft plans for a revitalised Haymarket. This holistic vison requires partnership with business, other levels of government, tenants and those with strong ties to the area. We would like to establish a Haymarket forum for people to share their ideas while appointing a bespoke Haymarket concierge service to cement the relationship between the communities and the City of Sydney.”

“By collaborating closely with residents and businesses in the area we will bring together this unique community to create a world class destination, economic and cultural precinct,” the Lord Mayor said.

Images: The City of Sydney