Clifton Creek Primary School disappeared inside the flames of the Black Summer fires, joining the 24 million hectares set ablaze during one of the most severe bushfire seasons Australia has ever seen. Ravaged by bushfires – and later, catastrophic flooding – what remained of the small local primary school was barely a skeleton. The AOA, pioneers of community building and architectural resilience, made it their mission to rebuild the school stronger than before; a message of endurance and spirit to remind the students and residents of Clifton Creek of their own strength in the face of adversity.

Chris Peck and Gordan Lewicki, Directors of AOA, were humbled and honoured to be chosen for the symbolic rebuild. “It was a tender process for us to be selected to help rebuild with this school. It was very special for us,” says Chris Peck.

“We had to do it quickly – I think it burned down early 2020 during the bushfires and the project was announced immediately after by the ministers. Then we were brought on board and delivered the design in about a four-month period to allow them to get on site building quickly.”

Despite the short turnaround – or perhaps as a result of it – the final product was a physical representation of the community’s resilience against disaster after disaster. This new environment spoke for the people of Clifton Creek, with profound architectural choices communicating the key message: stronger than before. The school, now able to accommodate 50 students, sits nestled on a hilltop in a round earth design which incorporates the elements of the surrounding environment and touches of what came before.

“All that was left of the fires were two mosaic mural sculptures and the school bell,” says Gorden Lewicki. “The bell had been rescued by the schools, so now it hangs at the rebuild and the two mosaic mural sculptures were moved to the new garden area. The other thing that survived was the pizza oven, which is now back at the school again.”

The materials used to rebuild were sourced from various local resources. As well as the sand, raw timber lines the exterior and comprises key parts of the interior columns. With a low power supply and a sustainable water system, the school is an almost entirely independent location.

Chris elaborates; “We had we couldn't just do a cookie-cutter solution. It had to be something great - and we had support from the Department of Education to move into a round earth building that would be quite an energy conscious, with solar panels.”

Through this tragedy, the community’s strength was a constant source of inspiration for AOA. The community’s close connection to the land formed the conceptual core of the redesign. The link to country was explored from form through to medium with the round earth design and the proud use of local materials. Local indigenous peoples are also represented, as AOA worked with Indigenous community leaders to organise the use of indigenous artwork imprinted onto the triangular shield of the round earth building.

“There was a community feel behind it all. The area had been devastated by fires and then floods - its fair share of pretty disastrous events. So in rebuilding the primary school it had to signify a community rebuild as well. It needed to show that these tragedies aren’t dragging them down,” Chris finishes. “To come back stronger than before.”

The layout included two connected classrooms, staff rooms and offices as well as a community hub for the hosting of local events. The interior, however, has more than just AOA’s influences.

As a whole, the school has a muted palettes reminiscent of the Australian landscape. The earthy classroom carpets are offset by white walls which encourage the students to add their own colour. VE Furniture, world leaders in educational furniture design, were brought in to furnish the classrooms. They worked collaboration with the students, who chose pops of choice colour in the bean bags and furniture throughout.

The classrooms are separated by a large bi-folding door, allowing for room changes and giving teachers the option to unite all of the small classes as one. VE furniture went above and beyond to accommodate for this adaptable workspace, designing custom and versatile furniture with easy mobility.

The resurrection of Clifton Creek Primary School was met with delight from the community in its story of return. An innovative example of what an educational environment can be, this rebuild pays homage to the past structure and promises so much more for the students of Clifton and the surrounding towns.

“When the kids came back on the first day, they were just dropping their bags and running around like it was Christmas. The feedback - both verbal and through people’s actions - was quite clear that we've been able to achieve probably what everyone had hoped for,” says Gordan.

After everything the community had been through, it’s safe to say that it was.

AOA Christopher Peck