TURNER’s recent experiential design work at Box Hill’s Santa Sophia Catholic College has built on the initial project carried out by BVN, creating an experiential design outcome for staff and students alike.

Colour and new wayfinding services ensure students aged from 3-18 will explore, innovate and thrive in their learning environment. The vertical form spans six levels, with learning areas, creative and performance hubs, rooftop play spaces and sports facilities utilised by students from K-12.

Santa Sophia Catholic College TURNER

"We worked closely with BVN to enhance their beautiful architecture and overlay learning and fun through complementary design elements," says TURNER’s Head of Experiential Design, Aniss Adler. 

"All our design work is a direct translation from the architectural form and colours."

A green trail created by the practice seeks to showcase the sustainable design principles embedded into the facility. Stickers on the ground guide students from place to place, receiving a stamp at each station. The trail even contributes to the school's Green Star rating, a cornerstone of the brief.

Santa Sophia Catholic College TURNER

"We curated a trail that has 12 stations across two levels of the school. Each station highlights a different aspect of sustainable design," Adler says. 

"For example, there is a station at the chicken coop where the school canteen composts its waste. Other stations highlight the way glazing impacts on comfort and energy use, and explain the school's grey water system."

A family of signage ensures consistent language that students can easily understand to navigate through the school. A circle of musical notes – arranged to Happy Birthday – encourage singing and celebration, while colourful periodic tables sit on the pavement.

Santa Sophia Catholic College TURNER

"The architects we work with are excited by the potential for art and environmental graphics to add value to their offer. We speak the same language, understand their design intent and can seamlessly integrate our work from the outset, rather than coming in and tacking something on later," Adler says of her team’s work.

For more information, visit turnerstudio.com.au.