EcoWorld International’s West Village development, located in Parramatta, is doing away with the idea that you can’t carry out your hobbies in a multi-residential building. Designed by Woods Bagot, the 40-level, $300 million building plays host to a number of amenities for residents to enjoy. 

Having sold 90 percent of its residences, the apartment is home to a virtual golf room, a piano room, a rooftop viewing platform offering views of the Harbour Bridge and sky garden. Residents use the facilities on a daily basis, with golfer Franki Cheung outlining how exciting it is to have the virtual golf room on offer. 

“Since September last year, I've been playing with my golf group religiously once a week; the sessions really help with our form on the field in terms of skills and range,” he says.

“The golf room has so many course selections with different skill levels and we can enjoy the games in an air-conditioned room with privacy.”

west village ecoworld international

The building and its amenities effectively speaks to the advancements made in the multi-residential design space in previous years. Residents are looking for luxury spaces that give them the ability to remain within the complex, as opposed to having to leave in order to pursue hobbies or activities. 

For West Village resident, professional musician and private music tutor Rebekah House, the piano room was a major consideration in purchasing her apartment.

“Apartment living doesn't usually allow for hobbies which require large amounts of space so the piano room at West Village was one of the major factors in our decision to purchase within West Village,” she says.

west village ecoworld international

“I practice the flute for several hours a day and I was mindful of not disrupting our neighbours, so having access to a dedicated music room meant I had plenty of opportunity to play without worrying about the noise. I’ve also loved playing the piano in the room too and it was going to be impossible to fit one in our apartment so having one in West Village is very helpful.

“Practice is essential to my profession and it’s been helpful having a place to go where there are no distractions.”

West Village will be the scene of further development in the coming months, with a retail component soon to be constructed. To find out more about the multi-residential complex, please visit