Willoughby City Council has completed work on replacing the facade panels at The Concourse, after it was found the existing panels contained flammable components.

The $7 million project has seen the former panels replaced with new panels made of non-combustible solid aluminium that are able to move as the climate dictates whilst remaining securely fixed to the building. The panels interlock, and allow for additional thermal movement whilst maintaining conventional mechanical fixings.

The North Shore building is recognised as a cultural hub of the region, with the panel replacements ensuring its longevity. 

“The Concourse is one of Sydney’s leading entertainment venues and the cultural heart of the North Shore. This proactive project enables this premier venue to be safer for our community, visitors and performers,” says Willoughby City Council Mayor Tanya Taylor.

“Replacing the exterior cladding panels using this innovative design means The Concourse will continue to provide world-class entertainment facilities for many years to come.”

The project reached practical completion ahead of schedule in February 2022 within budget and to specified quality standards.