BVN has devised plans for a mixed-use precinct in central Wollongong, that includes a 39-storey apartment tower, aquatic centre and a series of commercial and cultural spaces.

The development is dubbed Win Grand, with its name derived from regional television giant Win Corporation that is bankrolling the project. The proposal will coalesce some 28 plots of land bound by Crown, Keira, Burelli and Atchison streets. There are currently no residential buildings on the site, with the precinct giving the opportunity to live within an unprecedented location if it goes ahead.

The development will see 400 apartments situated within the centre of the city. Landscape architects Oculus and heritage consultants Weir Phillips Architects were approached to assist BVN in designing the project, which is now available to be viewed by the public. 

Approximately 40 percent of the site will be public open space, which ensures the precinct will be beneficial to the growth of the city. Laneways that run east-to-west across the site connect Wollongong Train Station to the city centre, with an outdoor room at the corner of Crown and Keira streets as well as a gathering space located at the centre of the site allowing for a number of social spaces that can be utilised by the general public. 

A BVN design statement outlines how the proposal will “knit” the city together through public links and strengthening the urban form of the city. 

The buildings located along Crown Street will contemporarily translate high street architectural stylings, with a 12-metre-height datum consistent across the facades. Awnings and active shopfronts will also be utilised.

The residential buildings will be located on Burelli Street, with the three buildings featuring similar features to enhance unification, including arches, exposed slab edges, vertical screen elements and awnings.

The Grand Hotel that sits at the end of Keira Street will be retained in the redevelopment, and refurbished with steel framed elements and a screened facade. The existing pub will lie beyond the facade, with a performance venue, cinema and exhibition spaces also added. The heritage Marcus Clark building will be restored to its mid-century era, with the existing fabric carefully edited and enhanced where needed.

The corner of Crown and Keira street will play host to a commercial building that is intentionally elevated off the ground in an effort to increase pedestrian flow and natural light. 

The Win Grand proposal is on public exhibit until 1 October. To view the Development Application in full, click here.