Woods Bagot’s Heritage Lanes, located in the heart of Brisbane, has been rewarded for its dedication to sustainability, certified the first 6-star Green Star Building certification by the Green Building Council of Australia.

The awarding of the rating sees Heritage Lanes ranked amongst the most sustainable buildings in the world. Succeeding the former Green Star – Design and as Built certification, the new Building certification has raised the bar for sustainable design.

Woods Bagot Principal David Lee says the work of the developer and builder allowed the practice to implement a number of efficient services that have led to the certification.

“It’s thanks to the efforts of Mirvac and the AECOM consulting team that through considered construction processes and efficient systems, this building could achieve this feat in responsible design,” he says.

“Drawing inspiration from the quintessential Queensland vernacular, Heritage Lanes features operable louvres and windows that invite in the cooling breeze, providing natural cross-ventilation on breathable levels,”

heritage lanes

“With landscape architecture by ASPECT Studios, native landscaped terraces and atrium deliver on access greenery, air quality, and achieve maximum natural light.”

The breathable facade looks to maximise passive design, mindful of the subtropical climate of the river city.  Locally sourced and manufactured materials were specified for the build, with 90 percent of construction waste recycled. Rainwater harvesting and solar energy generation powers much of the building’s operation.

“Heritage Lanes sets an example that efficient and environmentally responsible design needn’t come at the expense of beauty,” says Woods Bagot’s Global Design Leader Domenic Alvaro. 

“This intelligent and responsive building utilises legible biophilic principles in the workplace, considering the wellness of the end user alongside its impact on the environment.”

The 35-level tower serves as Mirvac’s first net-zero in operation office development, paving the way for many like-minded projects in future. Mirvac General Manager (Commercial and Mixed-Use Developments) Simon Healy says Heritage Lanes embodies everything the developer aims to create in future.

“We were committed to achieving quality outcomes for both the project and the city,” he says.

heritage lanes

World-class building technologies collect more than 90 billion data points daily, cementing Heritage Lanes’ place as one of the nation’s most intelligent and responsive buildings. Green Building Council of Australia CEO Davina Rooney says she is delighted to have been able to bestow the rating upon the design team.

“Their unwavering commitment to sustainability has ensured that Heritage Lanes is now one of Australia’s smartest and most sustainable office buildings,” she says.

In addition to the Green Star Buildings certification, Heritage Lanes has also achieved a 5.5-star NABERS Energy rating (base building); a 4.5-star NABERS Water (whole building) rating; and a Platinum Core and Shell Well rating.