The 2023 National Architecture Awards had an unexpected moment when the Gold Medal – originally awarded to the late Peter Corrigan LFRAIA in 2003 – was amended to include Corrigan’s business and life partner, Maggie Edmond LFRAIA as the rightful joint recipient.

Held on Tuesday 31 October in Canberra, the National Architecture Awards gala saw the amendment become official after the the 2023 Gold Medal Jury were asked to reconvene and consider whether there had been an oversight in only acknowledging one member of the duo some 20 years after the initial awarding.

“The Jury was undivided in its conclusion that the work celebrated in the 2003 Gold Medal was that of the team,” says 2023 Gold Medal Jury Chair Shannon Battisson LFRAIA.

“Architecture is the result of intense collaboration. Collaboration between client, architect and builder. Often architecture is also the result of collaboration between designers as is the case of many highly regarded practices around the world,” Battisson explained.

The announcement was received with a standing ovation by all guests in attendance. Edmond, who was in attendance at the 2023 National Architecture Awards, was presented with the Gold Medal.

“Recently, the Victorian Chapter bestowed on me the naming rights to the Enduring Architecture Award in Victoria for which I was thrilled and honoured but nothing prepared me for the recognition I am receiving tonight,” she says.

“It is both humbling and restorative to have Edmond and Corrigan’s 50-year journey for a life in architecture together finally recognised by the Institute.”