Western Sydney architect Russell Seguia has landed a job, training students at Whitehouse Institute of Design, just weeks after graduating from TAFE NSW.

The Philippine migrant was looking to secure a job in the Australian market in architecture, design and construction when he decided to enrol in the Diploma of Building Design at TAFE NSW in order to gain local experience.

While looking for ways to secure a job related to architecture, design, and construction, Mr Seguia worked in a local warehouse for a few years as he studied to upskill and helped with taking care of his young family.

“I am a recent migrant from the Philippines, who worked as an Architect back in Cebu City.”

“I had a hard time finding a job because employers always asked for local experience,” he says.

“My love for designing buildings and houses, along with almost 10 years of experience as an Architect in the Philippines influenced my decision to complete a Diploma of Building Design at TAFE NSW,” Seguia says.

According to Labour Market Insights (ALMI), the construction industry is expected to grow another 6% in the next 3-5 years. With construction being a large employing industry, technically adept, skilled workers in architecture, building, surveying including civil engineering draftspersons are in continuously in demand.

TAFE NSW says that it leverages on its industry connections to ensure students can build rapport at associations like Building Designers Association of Australia, enabling them to work on relationships with potential future employers.

According to Irene Sheridan-Miller, Architectural Technology Teacher, making connections with industry is essential for students aiming to upskill and develop knowledge in design, planning, compliance, and construction.

“TAFE NSW works with industry to develop training that meets their specific needs, ensuring graduates enter the workforce job-ready.”

“Russell was a registered Architect in the Philippines and worked for 9 years in various architectural firms, he was an excellent student who finished his Diploma of Building Design in the short 18 months duration of the course.”

“The Diploma in Building Design course has been developed with industry in mind to foster in-demand skills and future-proof careers,” Sheridan-Miller says.

For some migrants, upskilling and attaining Australian qualifications can be a fruitful pathway to enable them to continue working in their field.

“Learning at TAFE NSW enabled me to reinvent myself after migrating to Australia as the training enhanced my skill in designing structures and got me familiarised with the local industry here in Australia while updating my previous knowledge,” Seguia says.

Image: Supplied