As the entry deadline for the 2024 Sustainability Awards has been extended to 10th July, we had the opportunity to speak with Georgios Anagnostou, Studio Johnston Director and esteemed juror for this year’s awards.

Georgios Anagnostou: A Journey in Sustainable Design

Georgios Anagnostou’s career began in Europe, where he specialized in carpentry and traditional timber heritage work. His journey in design has been marked by significant contributions to sustainable practices, particularly in the field of cross-laminated timber (CLT). Anagnostou was involved in the early stages of CLT development in Europe and played a key role in its introduction to Australia. His extensive experience makes him exceptionally well-suited to judge the Sustainability Awards.

Reflecting on his involvement with CLT, Anagnostou shares, “I was involved in applying the first versions of CLT that came out of Austria around the 2000s and late-nineties. At that stage, I was very much interested in sustainability. There were low-energy, passive houses coming out of Germany at that time using all sorts of different, very new technology.”

Anagnostou’s Perspective on Judging the Awards

As a juror, Anagnostou is eager to bring his detailed expertise to the panel while also learning from his peers. He notes, “I’m obviously very interested in seeing it now from the [jury] side, and how a panel actually approaches these categories and the various entries in their context and in their particular categories. But also to learn from the other jurors and the panel – I see it as a fantastic opportunity to learn from peers.”

Anagnostou emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach to sustainability in design, considering not only environmental factors but also social and economic impacts. He hopes to engage in larger discussions that view projects in a broader context rather than isolated categories.

The Importance of Awards Programs

With the extended deadline fast approaching, Anagnostou highlights the significance of awards programs like the Sustainability Awards for the industry. “It’s drawing attention to design excellence in sustainability and in the built environment,” he says.

“It provides a platform for exchanging thoughts among the jurors; discussing and learning new approaches. But also, it provides, I think, a platform for anyone who’s passionate or has something to contribute to this field where they can distribute and reach people, inform and bring them together in pursuit of environmental challenges that we are facing and that the built environment, to a large extent, is responsible for.”

Call to Action for Industry Professionals

Professionals across the industry are encouraged to enter this year’s Sustainability Awards. Anagnostou stresses the importance of showcasing sustainable design excellence, especially in the current climate. “I think in the current climate – it is almost an obligation for everyone to search deep in their practice and what they’re doing in the industry to look for something that could demonstrate sustainable design excellence.”

As the deadline for entries is extended to 10th July, now is the time for industry professionals to submit their projects and contribute to the ongoing dialogue on sustainability in the built environment.

To enter the 2024 Sustainability Awards, go to

Image: Supplied

By Timothy Alouani-Roby