With the cost-of-living and rental crisis continuing to worsen, there is an increasing demand for innovative flexible home design to cater for the lifestyle needs of intergenerational households, a phenomenon often referred to as multigenerational living, says G.J. Gardner Homes Chief Operating Officer (COO) Chris Thornton.

The increase in demand, he notes, comes after a rise was recorded in multigenerational living in Australia, with one in five Australians living in households where more than one generation of related adults live together; for Sydney, this increased to one in four, according to Thornton.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics found households containing three generations had increased by 21.81% between the 2016 census (275,000) and 2021 census (335,000), with projections this figure will increase following years of pandemic-related turmoil and inflation, he says

Thornton says the double whammy of cost- of-living and property prices, makes it increasingly difficult for those wanting to get a foot hold on the property ladder.

“The financial pressure instigated by the current economic climate leaves young adults with no other choice but to continue living or move back home with their parents where expenses can be shared such as mortgage payments and groceries,” Thornton says.

“Our local franchise offices across Australia have observed a rise in enquiry for intergeneration home designs as more buyers continue to seek out flexible living arrangements to suit their growing and changing family needs."

“At the same time, we are also seeing families look for homes that accommodate elderly parents living with their adult children, due to either financial or caregiving reasons," he says

“As buyers move away from traditional homes and look for alternatives options – to make the most of the space they have – builders are challenged to be more creative in their designs to meet demands.”

“These homes not only are growing in popularity due to servicing independent living, but the design itself promotes family interaction, a need at the forefront of many families since the pandemic.”

Thornton says it is important buyers seek out a builder who has the right resources and ability to accommodate needs and preferences when designing and building a multigenerational home.

Image: G.J. Gardner Homes Chief Operating Officer (COO) Chris Thornton / Supplied.