Asbestos Identification and Testing
Last Updated on 09 Jan 2014
Asbestos Check provides independent asbestos inspection and testing of ceiling, walls and other areas within the home, office or work site.
Asbestos Check provides independent asbestos inspection and testing of ceiling, walls and other areas within the home, office or work site.
Asbestos Identification
Asbestos has been identified in more than 3000 product and materials. As asbestos inspection will identify will identify if asbestos is present and the potential fibre release and danger of the asbestos.
Whilst commonly associated with fibro, asbestos has been found in the following:
- Air conditioning, Bitumous products, Concrete, Compressed sheeting, Corrugated asbestos, Ceiling tiles, Electrical backing boards, Fibro sheet, Fire doors, Gaskets, Heaters, Insulation, Mastics, Membranes, Millboard, Paper, Pit linings, Pipe lagging, Pointing work, Sealant, Sound dampeners, Spandrel panels, Spray applied coatings, Spark arresters, Water pipes, Window putty, Vinyl floor tiles
Asbestos Testing
Once indentified, testing by an accredited laboratory will take place to definitely determine if a material contains asbestos.
There are two types of testing:
- Material analysis to determine if the material contains asbestos and the type of asbestos detected
- Air testing to quantify the level of potential exposure and harm
Asbestos Check takes pride in providing innnovative and pragmatic solutions to identify, assess and control aasbestos related health risks.
Asbestos Check is NATA (National Association of Testing Authorities) accredited for asbestos inspections and preparing asbestos management plans.