Dual screw fixed – Waterproof wall system: 1 hour, 90 minute & 2 hour FYREPANEL
Last Updated on 15 Aug 2018
The 1 hour, 90 minute & 2 hour WP - FYREPANELS are screw fixed fire rated access panels with a secondary waterproof hatch installed to the external face, hatches are designed to meet the requirements of the BCA with an FRL of - /60/60, -/90/90 & -/120/120
The 1 hour, 90 minute & 2 hour WP - FYREPANELS are screw fixed fire rated access panels with a secondary waterproof hatch installed to the external face, hatches are designed to meet the requirements of the BCA with an FRL of - /60/60, -/90/90 & -/120/120
The WP - FYREPANELS are approved for installation in walls & shafts of fire rated construction where integrity and insulation are required to be maintained to meet that of the building element requiring access through it. Example: A load bearing FRL 60/60/60, 90/90/90 or 120/120/120 Wall or Non-load bearing FRL - /60/60, -/90/90 or -/120/120 wall.