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Independent Cement and Lime
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Able to be used for building bridges
Ecoblend Cements
Minimum supplementary cement material component of 30%
Available in a combination of different blends

Eco Friendly, Blended Cements by Independent Cement and Lime

Last Updated on 24 Aug 2011

Specialised product groups such as Ecoblend Cement, Steel Cement, Steel Pave and Agricultural Lime enable the supply of a range of quality products to the construction, building, road making and agricultural markets.

The Ecoblend range of cements are specifically formulated to reduce the environmental impacts of cementitious binders used in concrete and stabilisation products.

Ecoblend uses supplementary cements such as slag and fly ash to ensure a significantly lower product life cycle impact; it provides the option of using a binder with significantly less material input, energy input and emission output.

Low embodied energy material
  • Meet environmental best practices
  • Complies to high standards with worker obligations
  • Minimum supplementary cement material (SCM) component of 30% and is available in a combination of different blends
  • Independent Cement and Lime meet design requirements through its range of designer blends.
Ecoblend Greenstar program
Gain credit points through the Greenstar program:

  • Good Environmental Choice Label – Ecoblend, Australian Builders (Type GB) and Steel Cement have achieved the Good Environmental Choice declaration offered by the Australian Environmental Labelling Association Inc. (AELA)
  • Third party accreditation to ISO 14,024 “Environmental Product Declaration” verifying Ecoblend’s
Independent Cement and Lime supply of a range Ecoblend Cement and other quality products to the construction, building, road making and agricultural markets.

Ecoblend Cements Product Brochure

1.96 MB

Display AddressGlendenning, NSW

200 Power Street

02 9625 8999
Display AddressPort Melbourne, VIC

750 Lorimer Street

03 9676 0000
Display AddressPort Melbourne, VIC

PO Box 523

03 9676 0000