Fire-Rated products and systems
Last Updated on 14 Jul 2022
Knauf’s new Fire-Rated plasterboard products & systems are now available with additional certification including; 13mm and 16mm FIRESTOP®, 16mm FIRE WETSTOP™ and 25mm SHAFTLINER™MOULDSTOP.
Knauf’s new Fire-Rated plasterboard products & systems are now available with additional certification including; 13mm and 16mm FIRESTOP®, 16mm FIRE WETSTOP™ and 25mm SHAFTLINER™MOULDSTOP. Fire-rated systems include Timber Stud Walls, Outrwall, Brick Veneer, FireClad, Column and Beam Protection and Masonry wall FRL upgrade. Technical information and fire-resistance requirements are outlined in the latest Knauf Technical Buletin.