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Gripset GC sheet membrane range: Australia's new sealing standard
Gripset GC sheet membrane range: Australia's new sealing standard
Gripset GC sheet membrane range: Australia's new sealing standard
Gripset GC sheet membrane range: Australia's new sealing standard
Gripset GC sheet membrane range: Australia's new sealing standard

Gripset GC sheet membrane range: Australia's new sealing standard

Last Updated on 07 Nov 2016

The Gripset GC membrane is an impermeable, tear resistant sheet with a core polyethylene layer, vulcanised between fibre-bonded fabric, forming a vapour and waterproof sheet.


Gripset GC Range: The Gripset GC membrane is an impermeable, tear resistant sheet with a core polyethylene layer, vulcanised between fibre-bonded fabric, forming a vapour and waterproof sheet. The facing, fibre-bonded membrane is a carrier for all GC adhesives, ensuring an integral bond to the adhesive bed. Its core polyethylene film has been engineered to meet the demands of waterproofing for the most challenging applications.

Gripset GC1: A high performance waterproofing & vapour barrier sheet membrane for internal wet areas, Gripset GC1 is highly durable, very quick to install and allows finishing surfaces to be applied immediately.

Gripset GC2: An external wet area sheet membrane with heavy duty, Gripset GC2’s rear face fabric provides outstanding anti-fracture performance properties, applied over cracked, green cement or timber substrates.

Gripset GC3: A subterranean sheet membrane with core puncture resistance, Gripset GC3’s heavy duty layer removes the need for protective sheets normally required when back-filling, saving valuable time.

Gripset GC4: A multi-benefit sheet membrane designed for built, apartment environments that combines high performance waterproofing with an acoustic underlay, saving significant time on large, multilevel construction projects.

Gripset C 1C Flyer

4.07 MB

Gripset C 1R flyer

3.01 MB

Gripset GC1 flyer

673.71 KB

Gripset Patch Phalt flyer

667.84 KB

Wet area flyer

2.82 MB

Display AddressWoodville North, SA

30-32 Park Avenue

1800 650 435