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Large format wet cast concrete pavers

Installation of Large Format Pavers by NewTech Pavers

Last Updated on 27 Sep 2010

NewTech's range of large format concrete pavers are ideal for swimming pools, landscaping and commercial use

NewTech are the manufacture of large format wet cast concrete pavers. The large format pavers come in a range of 21 colours and 10 different paver surface textures, designed to imitate natural stone pavers such as sandstone pavers, granite pavers and slate pavers.
It is important that the installation of NewTech pavers is done correctly to ensure longevity to maintain a stylish setting.
Installation of NewTech Pavers
It is important that an experience contractor is used or consulted when laying pavers. Each environment is differnent and therefore may require different techiniques and methods when planning and laying pavers.
Planning stage of Paving
  • Sub Grade Preparation: Soft ground areas should be compacted and levelled.
  • Drainage: Paver performance is majorly determines on how weel the paved area will drain surface and subsurface water.
  • Levels: The ground should be levelled and should be used to encourage good drainage of the paved surface.

Laying NewTech Pavers
When laying pavers yiou should alway be careful not to mark the pavers and gloves should be worn. String lines should be used as a guide and edge paver contained to pervent erosion of the bedding material.
Two methods can be used when laying pavers:
  • Rigid Base: bedded on a sand and cement mortar bed up to 30mm thick, or glued down using a suitable flexible adhesion agent, taking care to ensure there are no voids which could cause drumminess or structural cracks.
  • Flexible Base: Evenly spread a layer (approx. 100mm thick) of roadbase or manufactured sand over the required area. Compact this material using a plate compactor.

Paver Cutting

Newtech Pavers must be cut with a wet-cut diamond saw.

For more information about NewTech's range of pavers and installation of NewTech large format pavers
Display AddressRutherford, NSW

5 Farrier Place