LiteCon eco slabs – Lightweight concrete solutions
Last Updated on 14 Aug 2018
Strong lightweight concrete eco slabs, manufactured as ridged or flat in a range of sizes.
Strong lightweight concrete eco slabs, manufactured as ridged or flat in a range of sizes.
Chelmstone LiteCon slabs are grey concrete and are made of 75% recycled materials making them an environmentally sustainable product.
Strong, Fibre Reinforced lightweight concrete – Features include:
- Grey concrete
- Environmentally sustainable with 75% recycled materials
- Range of sizes: 400 to 900mm in a range of widths and thicknesses
- Flat or ridged options
- Fibre Reinforced: ensuring durability and longevity
- Compression strength: 30 MPA
- Ridged or flat options
- Ideal for:
- Air-conditioning bases
- Pool pumps & filters
- Irrigation pumps
- Gas bottles
- Hot water systems
- Generators
- Podium and balcony paving - Plumbing code AS/NZ3500.4 compliant