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Performance weather louvres
Performance weather louvres
Performance weather louvres

Performance weather louvres

Last Updated on 24 Mar 2017

Protect your plant and equipment with Greene Fire's performance louvres.


Greene Fire's performance louvres provide a high level of rain detection to protect your plant and equipment in buildings. Check out a few lists of our various products where you can conceal your louvres with numerous, attractive mesh to match the feature of your façade.

Performance weather louvre products:

  • Vital Louvre Series - The Vital Louvre Series with its ‘chameleon’ like architectural mesh treatments provide a welcome change for the designer to incorporate performance Louvres into this façade without compromising the visual aesthetic. More than 99% efficient, Class A rain defence classification and tested for up to a wind speed of 2.5m/s allowing less than 0.75l/hr/m2 of water through the louvre.
  • Single Stage - Provides high airflow coefficient with the external visual appearance and not suitable for rain defence. Is less than 80% efficient, Class D classification allowing more than 15l/hr/m2 of water through the louvre. Class 2 airflow coefficient of 0.361 with 50mm blade spacing, 0.372 with 75mm blade spacing.
  • Double Bank Louvre - Ventilation is required and a good level of rain defense double stage louvres are the answer. More than 99% efficient, Class A rain defence classification tested for up to a wind speed of 2.0m/s allowing less than 0.75l/hr/m2 of water through the louvre using 50mm blade spacing.
Double Bank louvre flyer

389.66 KB

Innivate Vital

1.17 MB

Display AddressCaringbah, NSW

level 2, 381 Point Hacking Road

(02) 9526 3100