Resin bound stone rooftop: Protective, functional and aesthetically pleasing
Last Updated on 29 Jan 2025
Resin bound stone was perfect to create a usable outdoor courtyard out of this otherwise damp and forbidding waterproofed rooftop.
Resin bound stone was perfect to create a usable outdoor courtyard out of this otherwise damp and forbidding waterproofed rooftop.
StoneSet as resin bound stone paving is ideal to create immaculate stone driveways, pathways and courtyards. As such, the StoneSet portfolio gives the impression of a premium product, and indeed the stone is a premium grade, without 'fines'
Why Resin bound Stone for Rooftops?
Stone is ideal for rooftops:
- Stone is relatively cheap - especially larger stone
- Stone absorbs UV and does not wear (unlike petroleum or water-based coatings)
- From above stone is much more aesthetically pleasing
Why Resin bound stone?
- Make a courtyard out of old waterproof rooftops
- Birds carry away loose stone
- Usable / traffikable as a courtyard
- 10 year no loose stone guarantee
- No maintenance - sweeping loose stone from foyers
White stones are often used to reflect the harsh UV from underlying waterproofing and reflect light. A good example is this residential rooftop in Vaucluse. So why would you use black stone that absorb heat?
Light colours of natural stone reflect the suns energy, and reduce outdoor temperatures around the home and other buildings while conserving water on the property.
Dark colours on the other hand absorb the heat, and are often used on CBD rooftops to increase the warmth of the surface, say during winter. For this example in Melbourne, the owners wanted to increase the temperature of rooftop of the building adding to the heat island/mass effect by absorbing as much as possible.
However, architecturally StoneSet has been used on dozens of applications. Interestingly, city rooftops are very popular for application of loose stone. Whilst StoneSet has been installed on pool rooftops for decorative and practical purposes in the past, here were looking at why stone is specified for rooftops rather than tile or pavers?
Already have stone on Rooftops? Pour On Gravel Binder
By using Pour On Gravel Binder it holds the pebbles together, no need for netting and it makes life pretty difficult for the birds to try and collect them.
The Pour On Gravel Binder will not affect any waterproofing and will maintain a porous surface perfect to retrofit on an existing or new pebble area.
The gravel should be graded as a single sized stone between 6mm and 20mm. The gravel needs to be clean and dry with minimum dust or fines.
Will it stay glossy? Pour On is designed in such a way that the top layer of binder will ‘burn’ off quite quickly returning the stone to its natural, but still bonded finish.
How long will it last? The design life of the binder is in excess of 5 years. The life of the finished surface is dependant on the quality of installation, type and sizer of gravel used, level of use and base stability.
National Office Equinox Center, Suite 203, 18 Rodborough Road
02 9453 2826