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VRF System Demonstration
Made in Japan
SHRM Units

Toshiba’s Super Heat Recovery Multi VRF Air Conditioners (SHRMi)

Last Updated on 23 Mar 2014

Toshiba Air Conditioning is committed to delivering the highest standard of quality and innovation across our product range and services.


The SHRMi three-pipe system is designed to deliver simultaneous cooling and heating in large buildings such as offices, shops and hospitals, recovering energy from areas of excess heat and redistributing it to parts of the building requiring heating.

The SHRM-i VRF Heat Transfer and Air Conditioning System from Toshiba

  • A key to its exceptional performance is the use of up to three super-efficient DC twin rotary compressors in each outdoor unit
  • Dedicated vector-controlled inverters
  • Toshiba uses a separate inverter for each compressor, giving ultra-precise control of rotation speed in 0.1Hz increments, exactly matching output to load
  • SHRM-i delivers exceptional performance with EER of 6.02 and COP of 5.63 at 50 per cent load for the 8hp unit
  • Toshiba uses a separate inverter for each compressor, giving ultra-precise control of rotation speed in 0.1Hz increments, exactly matching output to load

A key to its exceptional performance is the use of up to three super-efficient DC twin rotary compressors in each outdoor unit, with dedicated vector-controlled inverters. Unlike other makes, which share inverters between compressors.

Toshiba SHRMi Brochure

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Display AddressMoorabbin, VIC

Toshiba Air Conditioning 1/195 Chesterville Rd

03 9556 0133