Wintec Energy Rated Aluminium Windows
Last Updated on 03 Jul 2018
Wintec Systems incorporates the newest, most contemporary window looks when making its energy efficient aluminium windows.
Wintec Systems offer a range of window solutions which can be custom made to suit individual requirements and decor. Wintec's aluminium windows are suitable for residential and commercial applications in all areas of Australia.
Aluminium windows with excellent structural and weather performance
Wintec Systems pride themsleves in creating aluminium windows incorporating the latest window designs for the Australian market.
- Quality finishes, seals and hardware with modern window designs
- Reduce annual heating and cooling costs with high performance windows
- Reduce your environmental impact of non-renewable energy use
- Provides superior performance in water penetration resistance and structural rigidity
- Suitable for all regions in Australia
- All aluminium windows are Energy Rated, effective in reducing energy loss through clever design and high performance sealing
- Complies with the Building Code of Australia (BCA)
- Comes with a 7 year guarantee
- WERS certified for energy performance
Windows available in a range of colours and sizes
- Window Colours and Finishes: Available in all popular anodised and powdercoat colours
- Sizes: All are available in standard and custom sizes to order
All Wintec aluminium windows are Australian designed and manufactured and have been tested to Australian Standard AS2047-1999 in NATA accredited laboratory No. 14093.