Affordable Synergy Aluminium Windows and Doors from Trend
Last Updated on 20 Feb 2013
Practical Window and Doors made from durable aluminium offers contemporary finishes to your home from modern Trend designs.
Adding impressive flair and appeal to not only your decor but also the view, Synergy Aluminium Windows and Doors from Trend premium design ensure that perfect balance for a comfortable home. Practical aluminium designs offer affordable and stylish accents to your home, opening up spaces with natural light and the outdoor breeze.
Affordable aluminium windows and doors to compliment any home
- Constructed from hard wearing aluminium for long lasting reliable results
- Effortless integration with simple installation process
- Quality assured with Australian Window Performance label certification
- Intelligently designed for improved energy efficiency and cost saving properties
- Enhanced with intense locks and solid frame work for trusted security
- Easy to clean and maintain for low fuss solutions around the home
- Xtreme® BAL-40 Bushfire protection is available on parts of the range
Comprehensive models and options to ensure the perfect finish to suit you
- Window designs are available in awning, casement, bay, sliding, double hung and custom for circles, arches and rakes
- High quality Doors are available in hinged, sliding, alfresco sliding stacker and corner stacker
- Distinct deluxe options including bar layout, bifold doors, bifold windows, custom windows and louvres
Delivering the highest quality Aluminium Windows and Doors, Trend high performance designs are back with a 7 year guarantee from faulty workmanship and material.