Aquablend TMVs
Last Updated on 15 Jul 2021
Aquablend is the market leader synonymous with innovative Thermostatic Mixing Valves engineered, manufactured, sold and supported in Australia by Enware. Over 100 designs cater for applications in Health, Commerce and Industry with features such as Thermal Flush, Point of Use mixing, Sensor Activation and Smart Flow Monitoring.
Thermal Flush
The Aquablend® 1500 and Mini TMV are equipped with a simple, fast and effective thermal flush function that allows system disinfection, without requiring recommissioning.
Safety & Stability
The highly reactive lightweight shuttle and slim thermostat design maintains accurate control of temperature even when inlet pressures spike or are as low as 20kpa(dynamic). Rapid response to changing inlet temperatures ensures user comfort, while hot or cold inlet failure prompts thermal shutdown providing user protection from scalding.
Ambient (Cold) Start
Aquablend® TMV’s are particularly efficient at controlling temperature from ambient (cold) start, where temperature spikes can hamper usability and comfort.
Consistent Pressure
Aquablend® TMV’s are designed to perform with pressure imbalances between hot and cold water of up to *10:1/1:10, ideal where pressure boosting or instantaneous water heaters are in use. * refer to TDS for pressure loss guide
Flow Rates
Flow rate capability is available across the Aquablend® range from a minimum of 2lpm to a maximum of over 75lpm, providing an ideal solution for a single basin, a bathroom or a shower block.
Selected Aquablend® products are available in a extensive range of in-wall stainless steel cabinets with pipework combinations to suit different installation types. All TMV and cabinet combinations are assembled and pressure tested with air to prevent microbial growth, which can lead to system contamination.
Selected Aquablend® products are enabled to link to Enware Smartflow; a unique integrated real-time monitoring system with alarms and system reporting tools to assist compliance and risk management, all integrated via the BMS.
Servicing Parts
A wide array of service parts are stocked and technical support and advice is available from our experienced technicians
TMVs as Labelled Below:
Comply with Australian Standard AS4032.1, NSW Health Approved, and Suitable for AS1428 installations.
- Compact Commercial & Residential Applications
- Up to 2 Outlets
- Flow Rate: 12 L/min @300kPa pressure loss
- Temp Range: 35 - 45°C
- Commercial & Residential Applications
- Up to 6 Outlets
- Flow Rate: 39 L/min @300kPa pressure loss
- Temp Range: 38 - 50°C
- Health, Aged Care and Education
- Applications NSW Health Approved
- Thermal Flush Function Up to 6 Outlets
- Flow Rate: 39 L/min @300kPa pressure loss
- Mixed Temp Range: 35 - 48°C
- Health, Aged Care and Education in Exposed Positions
- NSW Health Approved
- Thermal Flush Cartridge
- Upgrade Available Up to 6 Outlets
- Flow Rate: 38 L/min @300kPa pressure loss
- Temp Range: 38 - 50°C
- Commercial Washrooms/ High volume flows
- NSW Health Approved
- 5-10 Outlets
- Flow Rate: 75 L/min @300kPa pressure loss
- Temp Range: 35 - 50°C
Enware Australia Pty Ltd (NSW Head Office) 9 Endeavour Road Caringbah
1300 369 273