Ci Tools: Unleash the full power of Archicad
Last Updated on 13 Feb 2024
Ci Tools have been developed to help architects get themost out of Archicad. At Central Innovation, our aim is to help architects design the best buildings, and that’s why we’ve created Ci Tools - allowing you to unleash the power of Archicad.
Ci Tools have been developed to help architects get themost out of Archicad. At Central Innovation, our aim is to help architects design the best buildings, and that’s why we’ve created Ci Tools - allowing you to unleash the power of Archicad.
Ci Cabinets
Design custom cabinetry with ease and accuracy
Ci Transformer
Your one-click solution for mirroring an entire project.
Ci Coverings
Apply a range of scalable claddings in 2D or 3D views.
Ci Annotation
Change your text to any format - without retyping it all.
Ci Doors & Windows
Create doors and windows in your own style.
Ci Stairs
Use a range of components to create stairs for any design type.
Ci Electrical
Design with intuitive, smart electrical symbols and schedules.
Ci Shortcut
Find and zoom-to the plan view representation of any model elements you select.
Ci Objective
Increase your ability to model in 3D in Archicad.
Ci Quantities
Simplify your work when it comes to bill structures.
Ci Keynotes
Annotate your drawings simply by providing a framework to create a database of notes.
Ci Metadata
Work through your Properties and Classifications of your model elements in a handy\ palette.
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