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Sculptform Click Screens Aluminium
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Sculptform Click Screens Project

Click-on screens

Last Updated on 22 Aug 2023

Click-on Screens, created from either timber or aluminium, are Sculptform's answer to a 360 degree screening product. Perfect for balustrade and free-standing screen applications. With back-mount and end-mount concealed Click-on connections, the product is highly customisable for any application.


Click-on Screens, created from either timber or aluminium, are Sculptform's answer to a 360 degree screening product. Perfect for balustrade and free-standing screen applications.

With back-mount and end-mount concealed Click-on connections, the product is highly customisable for any application. Strong engineering enables them to comply with high load requirements and infill ratings.

How do they work?

Click-on Screens consist of mounting tracks, clips and timber or aluminium battens. The clip base comes factory fitted to the mounting track at the specified spacing.

The Click-on connection features a button fixed to the back or ends of the batten, which clicks securely into engagement in the clip base.

Site variation and building and thermal movement are factored into the design, with the top bracket fixed into place and lower brackets able to slide. The rail design makes for easy fixing to any substrate while giving the installer up to 10mm of in/out adjustment.

For more information and design inspiration, click 'Visit Product' below to explore Sculptform's website.

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