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EBSA BT90 Louvre Brisbane Girls Grammer Classroom
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EBSA BT90 IG32 louvre

Last Updated on 24 Jul 2019

The SLS BT90 is the market leader for centre pivot louvre windows, incorporating a thermally-broken 90mm frame to provide unparalleled performance. The SLS BT90 IG32 is specifically engineered to assist building designers meet the requirements of the NCC 2019 in relation to the new stringent Section J compliance.


The SLS BT90 is the market leader for centre pivot louvre windows, incorporating a thermally-broken 90mm frame to provide unparalleled performance.

NATA tested to AS2047:

  • At spans of up to 1740mm wide
  • 450Pa resistance to water penetration
  • Air leakage compliance for air conditioned buildings
  • U values as low as U= 2.355
  • Acoustic performance as high as Rw42
  • Blade heights up to 500mm

The SLS BT90 IG32 is specifically engineered to assist building designers meet the requirements of the NCC 2019 in relation to the new stringent Section J compliance. Our partners Schneider Nolke have produced a fully drained and thermally broken aluminium profile which allows for NATA AS2047 tested spans of up to 1740mm wide with the option of double or triple glazing or even aluminium sandwich panels.

The use of IGU’s and thermally broken frames is essential to achieve best in class U values, IGU's also provide significant advantages over single glazing in regards to acoustic performance with Rw values as high as Rw42.

For improved aesthetics the blades are aligned vertically and positioned to the outside of the frame (flush). The SLS BT90 can utilise the same glass makeup as the rest of the buildings facade (for aesthetic consistency), so as a designer you are freed from the performance limitations of 6mm glass used in domestic louvre systems.

With the SLS BT90 there is no need to compromise your design, you can have the best of both worlds - natural ventilation + energy efficiency.

The SLS BT90 can be configured as a manually operated system or it can be supplied fully automated for natural ventilation and/or smoke relief certified to EN12101 (Smoke Control). As a commercial window automation specialist EBSA offer custom automation solutions for any sized project, whether a simple switch on the wall is all that is required or a full system with night purge, lockout, autoclose on loss of power and even remote monitoring. With over 100 completed school projects nationwide a full turnkey solution from EBSA provides peace of mind.

EBSA have offices in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and now Auckland.

BT90 IG32 Louvre

3.42 MB

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1300 327 200
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1300 327 200
Display AddressClayton, VIC

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1300 327 200