ECOPact: Low-carbon concrete for all your project needs
Last Updated on 27 Sep 2021
ECOPact is Holcim Australia's low carbon concrete brand. Our flagship low-carbon concrete products ECOPact, ECOPact Max, and ECOPact Active provide developers, specifiers, builders and contractors with a low-carbon product specific to their project’s performance and sustainability requirements.
ECOPact is Holcim Australia's low carbon concrete brand.
Our flagship low-carbon concrete products ECOPact, ECOPact Max, and ECOPact Active provide developers, specifiers, builders and contractors with a low-carbon product specific to their project’s performance and sustainability requirements.
ECOPact - Low-carbon concrete made easy with a minimum 30% embodied carbon reduction.
ECOPact is low-carbon concrete for general applications. ECOPact refines the decarbonisation process for your project’s concrete supply. ECOPact is designed to perform equal to, or better than conventional concrete.
ECOPact Max - Go further, go lower with a minimum 70% embodied carbon reduction.
Challenge the status quo with ECOPact Max. ECOPact Max achieves a minimum 70% embodied carbon reduction compared to ordinary Portland cement concrete.
ECOPact Active - High performance, low-carbon concrete.
ECOPact Active is a bespoke product that is designed to meet your project’s performance and sustainability requirements. ECOPact Active achieves early age strength that matches or exceeds that of conventional posttensioned and precast concrete, even with high levels of cement replacement.
Currently, 20% of Australia’s annual greenhouse gas emissions derive from construction, with building materials a key contributor. ECOPact can reduce embodied carbon by 30% to 70% compared to the Australian National Life Cycle Inventory Database (AusLCI). It is manufactured by replacing a percentage of standard cement with alternative materials.
All ECOPact products come with a product-specific EPD registered with EPD Australasia.This declaration provides transparent information about the environmental impact of the concrete, enabling informed decision-making during project planning and design stages. Holcim was the first concrete company in Australia to register an EPD.
All ECOPact products offer an option to opt-in for a Climate Active Carbon Offsetting service, allowing projects to offset the remaining carbon while also supporting investment in carbon offsetting projects.
Holcim Australia Head Office Tower B Level 7, 799 Pacific Highway
0429 790 600