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InvisiScape Emergency Escape Security Screens
InvisiScape Emergency Escape Security Screens Firefighter
InvisiScape Emergency Escape Security Screens Residential

Invisi-Scape®: Emergency escape security screens

Last Updated on 20 Jul 2020

Invisi-Scape® Emergency Escape Security Screens offer a simple keyless escape method in the event of a fire or an emergency situation. The need to escape through a window is one that we hope you will never require, however with the Invisi-Scape® System you have confidence in not only additional security but also the peace of mind.


Invisi-Scape® Emergency Escape Security Screens offer a simple keyless escape method in the event of a fire or an emergency situation.

The need to escape through a window is one that we hope you will never require, however with the Invisi-Scape® System you have confidence in not only additional security but also the peace of mind of egress in an emergency. An additional benefit of Invisi-Scape® screens is the ease of cleaning.

The quick and easy “Press to Release” mechanism allows you to get out quickly in the event of an emergency.

Simply press the lever to unlock and push open the screen in one smooth and easy motion. The handle releases the screen after only 20°of movement, aiding in a speedy escape when required.

Hinged Screen for Easy Cleaning

The Invisi-Scape Screen also doubles as a hinged screen for ease of opening and cleaning.

The screens are available as inward or outward opening and either top or side hinged, depending on the window type and opening size.

Invisi-Scape® is BAL rated to protect your home against bushfires in areas from BAL-LOW up to and including BAL-40.

Display AddressEastern Creek, NSW

New South Wales Office 3 Alspec Place

02 9834 9500