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Kingspan Insulation
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Kingspan AIR CELL Glairshield Product Image
Kingspan AIR-CELL Glairshield Roof Liner
Kingspan AIR-CELL Glairshield Roof Outer
Kingspan AIR-CELL Insulbreak Product Image
Kingspan AIR-CELL Insulbreak Product Samples
Kingspan AIR-CELL Insulbreak Roof Inner
Kingspan AIR-CELL Insulbreak Roof Installation
Kingspan AIR-CELL Insuliner Inner
Kingspan AIR-CELL Insuliner Product Image
Kingspan AIR-CELL Insuliner Product Sample
Kingspan AIR-CELL Insuliner Roof Inner
Kingspan AIR-CELL Insulshed Product Image
Kingspan AIR-CELL Insulshed Product Sample
Kingspan AIR-CELL Reflective Insulation
Kingspan AIR-CELL Insuldhed Wall Inner
Kingspan AIR CELL Insulwhite Product Image
Kingspan AIR-CELL Insulwhite Product Sample
Kingspan AIR CELL Permicab XV Wall
Kingspan AIR-CELL Permicav XV Product Image
Kingspan AIR-CELL Permicav XV Product Sample
Kingspan AIR CELL Permicav XV Wall Inner
Kingspan AIR-CELL Permifloor Product Sample
Kingspan AIR-CELL Permifloor Roll
Kingspan AIR-CELL Permifloor Rolls
Kingspan AIR-CELL Permifloor Water Permeate
Kingspan AIR-CELL Permishield House Construction
Kingspan AIR-CELL Permishield Outdoor
Kingspan AIR-CELL Permishield Product Sample
Kingspan AIR-CELL Thermo Reflective Flexible Insulation

Kingspan AIR-CELL Reflective Insulation

Last Updated on 04 May 2011

Kingspan AIR-CELL is a versatile range of fibre-free flexible reflective insulation for roofs, walls and floors. The reflective foil reflects up to 97% of radiant heat away from its surface. The small amount of heat absorbed is then further reduced by the conductional resistance of the polymer air cell structure, keeping you cool in summer and warm in winter.


Kingspan AIR-CELL is a versatile range of fibre-free flexible reflective insulation for roofs, walls and floors. The reflective foil reflects up to 97% of radiant heat away from its surface. The small amount of heat absorbed is then further reduced by the conductional resistance of the polymer air cell structure, keeping you cool in summer and warm in winter. Kingspan AIR-CELL‘s resistance to all forms of heat flow translates into energy cost savings of up to 50% for the building occupier and reduced greenhouse gas emissions for the environment.

And because Kingspan AIR-CELL is fibre-free, it is completely non-irritant, non-asthmatic, and non-allergenic, posing no health risks for the installer or home owner.

  • Made in Australia
  • Under-roof vapour barrier and insulation combined
  • Helps achieve a 7+ star energy rating house
  • Fibre-free, non-allergenic, and non-irritant
  • Quick and easy to install
  • CodeMark Certified*

*Except AIR-CELL Permifloor and AIR-CELL Insulshed

The AIR-CELL range includes:

AIR-CELL Glairshield Brochure

393.66 KB

AIR-CELL Insulbreak

1.00 MB

AIR-CELL Insuliner

809.5 KB

AIR-CELL Insulshed 50

539.67 KB

AIR-CELL Insulwhite

622.82 KB

AIR-CELL Permicav XV

985 KB

AIR-CELL Permifloor

865 KB

AIR-CELL Permishield XV 70

861.87 KB

Display AddressSomerton, VIC

Head Office 25 Oherns Road

1300 247 235
Display AddressMalaga, WA

PO Box 2324

1300 247 235