Porta Cumaru: Hardwood Decking and Landscaping
Last Updated on 16 Nov 2016
Porta Cumaru is the ideal hardwood timber to meet the challengeing requirements of today's design trends, construction codes and sustainability demands. Best of all porta cumaru is backed up by a company and people that know and love timber and have been a trusted family-run supplier for timber products for four generations.
Porta Cumaru is the ideal hardwood for decking and landscaping.
Porta Cumaru is the ideal hardwood timber to meet the challengeing requirements of today's design trends, construction codes and sustainability demands. Best of all porta cumaru is backed up by a company and people that know and love timber and have been a trusted family-run supplier for timber products for four generations.
Features and benefits:
- Color - near zero leaking
- Hard - Janka rated 14.8kN
- Certified - FSC Certified, meets stringent FSC certification standards
- Fire - Bushfire rated BAL19
- Strength - Beams rated F34 and posts rated F27
- Durable - Class 1 for external above & in-ground applications
- Termite resistant - Natural resistance to termites