Promat penetration seals
Last Updated on 30 Nov 2017
Promat Australia has systems to protect metal pipes of various type and size, cables of various kinds whether in bundles or on cable trays as well as many other types of services. Promat Australia have developed an array of solutions to protect these openings.
Where fire rated compartments are created to contain fire to the area it originates in, there will always be a requirement for services to pass through these barriers. These service penetrations create a weak point that can allow the fire to escape from the compartment. Promat Australia have developed an array of solutions to protect these openings.
The variety in the size and type of services that are found in a modern building means that there is no one size fits all solution to this issue so it is important that the correct system is used for each situation. All Promat Australia penetration seal products have been tested to AS1530.4 and AS4072.1 in line with the requirements of BCA Clause C3.15 and will achieve fire resistance levels (FRL) of up to -/240/240. However, advice should be sort for the specific level that the system you are selecting will achieve. The type of service, system used and substrate being penetrated will affect the rating that can be achieved.
Promat Australia has systems to protect metal pipes of various type and size, cables of various kinds whether in bundles or on cable trays as well as many other types of services. Testing is available for a wide variety of substrates including concrete, masonry, fire rated plasterboard, Speedpanel and Hebel as well as others.
Promat Australia Pty. Ltd. (Head Office) 1 Scotland Road, Mile End South
1800 776 628