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Saniflo Sanispeed+
Saniflo Sanispeed+ In Situ
Saniflo Sanispeed+ Sample
Saniflo Sanispeed SFA Pralnia Pompa Do Wody


Last Updated on 29 Sep 2023

The Sanispeed+ is ideal for pumping wastewater from appliances in domestic and light commercial environments such as small shops, office kitchenettes, medical facilities, laundries and kitchens. It has four inlets so you can connect a range of appliances and sinks to the one unit.


The Sanispeed+ is ideal for pumping wastewater from appliances in domestic and light commercial environments such as small shops, office kitchenettes, medical facilities, laundries and kitchens. It has four inlets so you can connect a range of appliances and sinks to the one unit.

The Sanispeed+ can be used where one might want to place the plumbing applications in more convenient areas that are not necessarily governed by where the plumbing and drainage is currently. The Sanispeed+ can pump wastewater up to 7 meters vertical and has inlets for up to 4 connections.

Saniflo Sanispeed+ Instructions

3.65 MB

Saniflo Sanispeed+ Product Sheet

1.01 MB

Display AddressChatswood, NSW

Saniflo Unit 10, 25 Gibbes Street

1300 554 779