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Bradford Thermoseal�
Bradford Thermoseal� Firespec Facing Foils Promotional
Bradford Thermoseal� Firespec Facing Foils Promotional Two Story Wrap
Bradford Thermoseal� Firespec Facing Foils Wrap

Thermoseal™ wall wrap

Last Updated on 15 Sep 2015

Thermoseal wall wrap provides a protective weather barrier that allows trades to carry out work inside a house, before the facade is constructed. It’s the “reverse build” process that is improving builder’s schedules. Builders are no longer at the mercy of bad weather, or the availability of external facade contractors.


Thermoseal wall wrap provides a protective weather barrier that allows trades to carry out work inside a house, before the facade is constructed. It’s the “reverse build” process that is improving builder’s schedules.

Builders are no longer at the mercy of bad weather, or the availability of external facade contractors. When a house frame is wrapped with Thermoseal, work can continue inside; electricians rough-in, insulation contractors fit insulation and plasterers can complete their internal fit out. Valuable time is saved, delays are reduced, and there is greater flexibility and control over scheduling.

Features and Benefits:

  • Two-Storey Wrapping Made Easy Bradford’s patent pending RapidWrap scaffolding system also helps to streamline the building process for two-storey construction. RapidWrap is suspended from the bottom plate of a two-storey frame, providing quick, easy and safe access to the second storey. A two person install team using this system can wrap a whole house in less than a day.
  • Bradford Marketing Support Bradford offers builders the option of branding Thermoseal Wall Wrap with their own logo. It’s a valuable opportunity for builders to promote their brand during construction.
  • Wrap Up For The Right Protection The right product for the job depends on the construction type, climate zone and level of insulation used. Fortunately, Bradford has the right Wall Wrap products for every project; Weather Barriers, Thermo Reflective Products and Vapour Permeable Membranes

Bradford is also actively marketing the ongoing benefits of Thermoseal Wall Wrap to consumers. The Protective Second Skin™ program is designed to highlight how Wall Wrap can reduce draughts, help prevent moisture entry and improve the energy efficiency of finished homes.

Thermoseal™ Wall Wrap XP

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