EXPERTS agree the main way to prevent the spread of germs in hospitals is for staff to wash their hands between patient’s visits. This guideline along with Galvin Engineering’s range of Healthcare Tapware minimises the spread of infection in hospitals by providing appropriate methods of activating water flow for hand washing.

GE’s range of electronic taps and healthcare compliant Lever and Surgical tapware eliminates a potential source of cross contamination and recontamination from contact with potentially contaminated tap handles.

Other benefits arising from the GE Healthcare Tapware ranges are;

Conserves Water — GE’s electronic tapware switches off automatically after use, and is WELS rated and reduces energy costs.

Improves Hygiene - "No touch" and elbow/wrist action activation reduces the spreading of germs and increases ambient cleanliness.

Disabled compliant - The simplicity of a GE product's activation makes everyone's experience more comfortable, regardless of age or physical ability.