FOLLOWING the relocation of its head office to Alexandria, Virgin Atlantic Airways called in Acoustica Pty Ltd, otherwise known as ‘the Quiet Australian’, to solve a building acoustics problem.

The combination of room size and construction materials had produced sound reverberations in reception and conference rooms that were not only distracting, but also affected the occupants’ ability to hear each other.

The walls of the reception area (illustrated) were covered with Acoustica’s fabric coated acoustic Echosorb®25 panels. The conference rooms will be similarly treated, but with the addition of Echosorb®25 to the ceiling.

The transformation to a quiet listening environment has been well received. Virgin’s human resources and administration manager says: “simply being able to talk and listen is fantastic” and “the aesthetic wall covering was a perfect match to Virgin’s corporate colours”.

Echosorb®25 belongs to a family of Echosorb® products for applications which also include workstations and ceiling baffles.