Smart Switchable Glass by iGlass has now gone smarter allowing instantaneous control of privacy within milliseconds by the flick of a switch, providing environmental benefits.

iGlass is an Australian company based in Victoria, manufacturing switchable glass.

As a technology owner and developer, iGlass is licensed around the world by leading glass manufacturers exporting to over 50 countries.

Its proven technology is now widely accepted for the following applications:

Hospital walls and partition doors, ensuring optimal privacy for the patients and eliminating use of blinds and curtains which attract bacteria/viruses and contribute to increased nosocomial infection

Hotel rooms — enables two rooms to be combined to one by using switchable glass for the bedroom to bathroom partitions. Creates immediate sense of larger space and openness

Residential bathroom windows, ensuites and privacy control requiring windows

Commercial meeting rooms and boardrooms — enabling daylight harvesting and improving occupant’s comfort

Media facades and retail designs

No Smart Glass companies around the world have been able to provide Smart Glass at the price iGlass can.

Australian projects can benefit from local manufacturing ensuring shorter lead time and direct contact with the manufacturer for technical expertise, all provided at a price never seen before.