Talking Architecture & Design Podcast (Episode 223) - Dominic Gaetani, the DKO lead architect on the trials & tribulations of the Pentridge Prison urban rehabilitation project Listen Now
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    Crimsafe Security Systems

    Crimsafe Ultimate


    Take your security to the next level with the superior strength, versatility and architectural styling of Crimsafe Ultimate.

    Materials and technology combine to deliver a superior Crimsafe product that offers extraordinary resistance to attack, providing ultimate protection for families and homes. Crimsafe Ultimate screens are 40% stronger than Crimsafe Regular and Crimsafe Classic and seven times stronger than the impact level required by the Australian Standard.

    Features and benefits:

    • 40% stronger than the Crimsafe Regular and Crimsafe Classic product range
    • Uses twice as many screws in the fastening system than our Crimsafe Regular and Crimsafe Classic product range
    • A wider frame, making it more resistant to jemmy attacks
    • A clip-on cover, creating a sealed chamber that conceals and protects the screws – they cannot be seen or accessed by a burglar.
    • Heat protection – blocks up to 53% of solar heat gain through glass windows and doors
    • UV protection – blocks up to 62% of UV rays, helping to reduce heat and prevent fading of soft furnishings
    • Hail stones and flying debris – acts as a barrier for hail and other wind-borne debris, to protect glass windows and doors from breaking
    • Fire attenuation – blocks 59% of radiant flames and heat, slowing down the spread of fire from one floor to another, or to neighbouring buildings
    • Fire protection – tested to meet the highest levels in bushfire protection – BAL-FZ, and protects from ember attack, reduces radiant heat and will protect from burning debris, when used with a compliant window system.
    • Cyclone protection – for buildings in high-risk cyclone areas, Crimsafe has a specially designed Cyclone Protection Screen rated for regions C and D, withstanding impacts up to 44m/s.

    Visit product to find out more.

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