Bringing a decaying marina back to life
This project is the redevelopment of Elizabeth Bay Marina, which was in a deteriorated state and in need of replacement.This project is the redevelopment of Elizabeth Bay Marina, which was in a deteriorated state and in need of replacement. The challenge was ensuring that the marina was still operational while the new facility was under construction. This meant the redevelopment had to be delivered under a tight timeline.
Set on the edge of Beare Park, it was important that the structure did not drastically increase in width or height, as any increase in size would affect views from the park and the nearby residential developments. However, the new buildings needed to be raised by 800mm to accommodate high tide flooding. Therefore, the building form and roof lines had to be carefully considered.
Views towards the harbor were preserved by keeping the kayak storage at the front of the building.
“Our design approach was to work with the palette of materials and forms associated with the site and traditional working maritime facilities, in order to design a facility that is functional and sympathetic to the context, but also clearly modern in its expression and realisation,” says the architect.