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Lucas Community Hub

Lucas Community Hub

The Lucas Community Hub, designed by Brand Architects, has been designed to serve and cater for the needs of the City of Ballarat community.

The Lucas Community Hub, designed by Brand Architects, has been designed to serve and cater for the needs of the City of Ballarat community.

Comprising a Maternal and Child Health Centre, a Kindergarten, and several Community Meeting Rooms, the Centre is connected via a versatile Community Gathering Space.

lucas community hub

lucas community hub

To pay tribute to the Lucas Ladies, who played a pivotal role in the early textile industry of Ballarat, the building's shape, patterns, and colours were inspired by their pioneering spirit. The walls and soffits of the building featured bold, colourful stitches, pleats, folds, and ribbons that evoked the bustling activity of the dressmakers' table.

lucas community hub

lucas community hub

Additionally, the building's design incorporated elements that reflected Ballarat's Scottish heritage. The curved brick walls, with their striking 'Tartan' pattern and colours, served as a welcoming focal point for visitors at the main entrances.

lucas community hub

lucas community hub

Overall, the Community Hub was intended to make a bold statement and serve as a symbol of Ballarat's rich social history, inspiring the new Lucas community to take pride in their heritage and create a vibrant future.

Project Summary
LocationLucas, VIC
PhotographerLucas Allen