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Sections#2: Junk tectonics, feral communities: The metamorphosis of the Mildura Golf Club

Sections#2: Junk tectonics, feral communities: The metamorphosis of the Mildura Golf Club

Large-scale networks of capital have driven a global anthropogenic transformation, where extractive values govern regional landscapes.

Large-scale networks of capital have driven a global anthropogenic transformation, where extractive values govern regional landscapes.

This thesis project investigates the hierarchies of a golf course and an adjacent landfill site upon the arid lands of Mildura- exposing a space thriving off extracted water, a diminished Murray River, and exclusionary systems acting on both human and non- human.

Looking through the lens of feminist ecological thought, this project extends the notion of human and non-human entanglement to include the discarded objects which have become part of our geological landscape.

Therefore, in conducting a reversal of these extractive hierarchies, this project seeks to celebrate ecologies, communities, and junk.

This thesis proposes a staged metamorphosis of the Mildura Golf Course and its clubhouse, using junk tectonics and compositional devices to create experimental spaces for ecologies and communities. This transformation will take place via staged intervention of structures for ecological rebirth, an anthropogenic journey, a re-framing of sport within aridity, and the introduction of a new clubhouse.

The stages will follow the compositional geometries of; (1) slicing, (2) subverting, and (3) blurring. The imposition of reformative interventions transforms the site from an exclusionary space favouring the few, to an experimental one with multiple users, fostering symbiotic relationships rather than extractive ones.

Project Summary
LocationMildura, VIC
PhotographerDianna Snape