Strong Arm House
It’s all in the name of Strong Arm House. Bold, uncompromising and raw, the home is a space for a family of seven that gives them the space, flexibility and practicality to suit their evolving needs.It’s all in the name of Strong Arm House. Bold, uncompromising and raw, the home is a space for a busy family of seven that gives them the space, flexibility and practicality to suit their evolving needs. Designed by MCK Architecture, the building alters and extends a Melburnian bungalow, increasing the senses of connection, space and place.
When viewing from the street, the home looks as if it has remained untouched. With a desire to remain respectful and acknowledge the heritage of the home, the contemporary principles of natural light and privacy have been thoughtfully implemented within the dwelling.
While the facade is unsullied, moving through the home it is clear that modifications have been made, none more so than the contemporary extension that serves as the family sanctuary. Fostering connection and quality time, the extension houses the combined kitchen, living and dining spaces that the family gathers within when it is time to do so. Interestingly, MCK Architecture has utilised negative space as primary space, which gives the spaces an abstract and distinct feel.
Moving towards the rear of the existing home, one anticipates something greater through glimpses of dynamic interplay of punched light slots and sculptural floating forms creating dialogue with the existing dwelling, which ultimately speaks to the genius of MCK. A pool outside acts as the mediator between the living space and the garden.
The earnest material palette that has been implemented by the practice is an exercise in continuity, ensuring old and modern do not impose each other, while allowing for as little maintenance as possible. Thermal mass and passive design techniques, seen in the exposed concrete interior and floor reduce the reliance for an artificial cooling system, while the placement of the pool and its close proximity to the living room gives it the ability to effectively double as the room’s own air conditioner when the doors are open and the breeze moves across the water. Moving upstairs, enfolding black timber screens are seen throughout, bringing a sense of similarity and privacy to the children’s living quarters.
Standing with conviction, Strong Arm House comfortably and confidently houses a family of seven in a remodelled bungalow. The addition, created by MCK Architecture is a contemporary citation of the existing dwelling, while the robust material palette ensures congruency throughout both new and old.