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Hawthorn's Auburn Apartments

Hawthorn's Auburn Apartments

Splinter Society's Auburn Apartments derives its name from the rustic-coloured leaves that line the pathways and the sun that creates illuminated shapes along the stone-heavy exterior and interior.

Set amongst a grand streetscape in Melbourne’s East, the Splinter Society-designed Auburn Apartments derives its name from the rustic-coloured leaves that line the pathways and the sun that creates illuminated shapes along the stone-heavy exterior and interior. The apartments all contain individually distinct configurations, ensuring that occupants of each dwelling can own something that is uniquely theirs.

auburn apartments splinter society

The Auburn Apartments Splinter Society

The Auburn Apartments Splinter Society

Despite the unique floorplans, the houses share a glistening facade. Screened by bronze metal mesh, the facade reflects its surrounding, giving it a sense of self awareness. The screening is punc­tu­at­ed by a series of refined, indus­tri­al steel frames requir­ing intri­cate met­al work, not often seen in multi residential build­ings. These cre­ate a con­ti­nu­ity across the façade while break­ing up the pro­gram into dis­tinct­ly dif­fer­ent areas. Across the façade, these frame out­looks, bal­conies and even occa­sion­al­ly out­door seat­ing. The fin­er qual­i­ties of the upper lev­el are ground­ed with a sol­id, tex­tured nat­ur­al stone base.

The Auburn Apartments Splinter Society

The Auburn Apartments Splinter Society

The Auburn Apartments Splinter Society

Splinter Society were tasked with a brief by a client that is both developer and builder, that subsequently allowed for a higher level of construction expertise, which is witnessed when looking at the buildings themselves. All of these factors create a major point of difference for Melbourne’s bustling bespoke multi-res market.

The Auburn Apartments Splinter Society

The Auburn Apartments Splinter Society

The Auburn Apartments Splinter Society

Stone is very much the dominant feature in The Auburn Apartments. A nine-metre high void at the precinct’s entrance is lined with stone that, when hit with natural light, casts a vast range of intriguing shapes and patterns. The raw stone also car­ries into the inte­ri­ors of the gen­er­ous apart­ments, mak­ing bespoke, tac­tile details in the kitchens and ensuites and intertwines with the painted walls. Like indi­vid­ual homes, each has a unique con­fig­u­ra­tion with well-appoint­ed kitchen, fine­ly detailed fire­place, ded­i­cat­ed study space, qual­i­ty join­ery with build-in seat­ing and pri­vate out­door space.

The Auburn Apartments Splinter Society

The Auburn Apartments Splinter Society

Splinter Society have been respectful of the surrounding streetscape full of classic architecture, but have been true to their desire to create something contemporarily spectacular. The juxtaposition of bronze and stone fuses two eclectic textures and gives them the ability to mould together, creating a warm palette of contemporary proportions. The Auburn Apartments are an assured new edition to the Hawthorn streetscape they reside within, ensuring they fit in seamlessly as opposed to sticking out like a sore thumb amongst its counterparts.

Project Summary
LocationHawthorn, VIC
PhotographerPaweł Ulatowski