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indoor outdoor deck

A deck with a view: Small design changes, big impact

This deck has been transformed into a flexible enclosed indoor-outdoor space with a spectacular view of the beaches below.

indoor outdoor deck exterior

A small but impactful renovation, this project is the transformation of an existing deck into a flexible enclosed indoor-outdoor space with a spectacular view of the beaches below.

Design response

The main feature of this renovation is the curve of the deck, which accentuates views and directly responds to the curved roof of the original home.

“We had to work with what was already existing to maximise the cost-effectiveness of the project,” says Jaron Coward, architect and director of Starbox Architecture.

“However, we extended the floorspace of the existing deck area by cantilevering and suspending the steelwork. [This made] the extension seem more purpose-built rather than just added onto.

beach view from deck

“Due to the height, it seems to float above the treetops when viewed from the beaches below.”

A good sustainable feature, the enclosed deck space can act as an airlock or hothouse. This enables the living room doors to be opened and the house heated passively.

deck steelwork

Other design features include:

  • Floor to ceiling single panes of glass between structural columns including a custom-made curved glass pane and silicon butt joint corner to extend the view
  • Louvre glass for ventilation at each end
  • Automated operable Vergola roof
  • Intergrated bromic heating panels
Project Summary
LocationHawley Beach, TAS
Size47 m²