Perched on a steep sand dune overlooking the bay and town of Sorrento this house had to navigate a complex brief and site, resulting in a sensitive and elegant design that comfortably accommodates 4 generations of family with an abundance of views, textures, colours and fun.

Architecture & Design chats with Caroline Leonard, Operation Manager at SGKS ARCH, about the genesis of the project.

Architecture & Design: Can you describe the initial vision for this project and how it evolved over time? 

Caroline Leonard/SGKS: When we first approached this project, we were presented with the challenge of a difficult site perched on the side of a steep sand dune overlooking the bay and town of Sorrento. The brief was also unique, as it called for a multi-generational home that would vary in occupancy over time. To address this complexity, our initial vision was to distil everything into a simple, clear architectural form that would sit within the landscape as a distinct and elegant object, yet still feel like an integral part of the natural surroundings. 

The resulting design features two perpendicularly stacked elements—one grounded into the earth, the other lightly floating above. The main living area in the upper volume opens out onto a large roof terrace atop the lower volume, maximising access to a stunning 240-degree vista from one of the highest points on the peninsula. From there, we refined the design by breaking up the form in specific areas to increase volume and light, and by introducing natural materials and textures.


What were the biggest challenges you faced during the design and construction phases, and how did you overcome them? 

The steep, sandy site presented a significant challenge, which we navigated by strategically placing the building’s floors to minimise the number of different levels and steps, while also avoiding excessive cut and fill that would disrupt the site. Achieving an outwardly 'simple' design always involves a certain level of complexity, so the detailing of the building was crucial in making everything appear smooth and effortless, even though it required meticulous design work beneath the surface. As we often discover, tackling such challenges with care and creativity can actually lead to some intriguing opportunities. 


How did you ensure that the project meet the client’s needs and expectations? 

When we were first engaged for this project, the client had an existing design that was significantly over budget because it didn’t adequately address the site’s challenging constraints, attempting to fight the terrain rather than work with it. After thorough testing and ongoing consultation, we determined that a complete redesign was necessary to simplify the concept and focus on the client’s key requirements. 

The result is an elegant building that flexibly accommodates four generations of the family as they come and go from this shared holiday home throughout the seasons, while also fully embracing the impressive views in comfort. The client wanted the home to be a fun and exciting escape from city life, so we emphasized warm, tactile textures and introduced a variety of playful colours and patterns in different rooms to give each space its own distinct character.


Were there any unique or innovative techniques or materials used in this project? 

The primary spatial concept adheres to a modern tradition, featuring two perpendicularly stacked boxes intersected by a double-height entry volume. However, we took it a step further by breaking down and opening up the volumes at select points. Each element was clearly defined with its own distinct character, where materiality played a crucial role. The ground floor box, embedded into the side of the sand dune, is distinguished by a sweeping, monolithic rammed earth wall that immediately commands attention upon arrival, gently leading you to the terrazzo steps of the glossy green front door. The upper box is clad in charred hardwood timber, a material we hadn’t used before. It offers the beautiful and familiar texture of timber in a striking deep black that will maintain its consistent colour over time with minimal maintenance.


How does this project fit into your broader portfolio and design philosophy? 

This project is unique, as it was designed for a distinctive client on a one-of-a-kind site—an approach we take with all our residential projects. Rather than adhering to preconceived notions of what a home should be, we focus on responding directly to the unique qualities of the client and the site.   

We are meticulous and pragmatic planners, and although we had ample space to work with on this project, it was still crucial to maximise space, buildability, and liveability in a way that is both generous and efficient. Craftsmanship is another quality we deeply value in this home. We took the time to carefully detail and select high-quality materials and fixtures, working closely with builders, tradespeople, suppliers, designers, and makers to integrate every element—from the massive rammed earth wall to the nearly invisible threshold drain—into a cohesive whole.