Mineral fibre acoustic ceiling tiles
Last Updated on 26 Oct 2023
Easy to handle and install, our wide range of mineral fibre acoustic ceiling tiles and panels provide acoustic ceiling solutions for every space. Whether your space requires high sound absorption, high sound attenuation or a balance of both, our mineral fibre acoustic ceiling tiles will not only ensure great acoustics – but also provide a great look to match!
Easy to handle and install, our wide range of mineral fibre acoustic ceiling tiles and panels provide acoustic ceiling solutions for every space. Whether your space requires high sound absorption, high sound attenuation or a balance of both, our mineral fibre acoustic ceiling tiles will not only ensure great acoustics – but also provide a great look to match!
Key Features and Benefits:
- Modern design, high light reflective finish
- High acoustical performance
- RH99 humidity-resistant
- Broad range of panel and edge sizes
- Cost effective
- Installed on PeakForm (steel) or Blue Tongue (aluminium) grid systems
- Sustainable and third party certified to contribute to Green Star Points
The following product range is available:
- Ultima - Ultima OP dB - Ultima OP
- Bioguard Acoustic - Bioguard Acoustic OP RH100
- Optra Open Plan
- Dune - Dune Max
- Fine Fissure - Fine Fissure High NRC