Asbestos Check provide asbestos inspections by qualified asbestos consultants.
An asbestos inspections by a qualified asbestos consultant will identify those materials likely to contain asbestos, take samples to confirm if the material contains asbestos and conduct a risk assessment of the materials.
There are two main types of asbestos inspections:
Management Asbestos Inspections
- Asbestos management inspections are conducted by an asbestos consultant who will walk through and identify materials likely to contain asbestos
- Materials are then listed with an asbestos register along with a risk assessment, location and representative photos
Two types of management asbestos inspections include:
- Presumptive asbestos inspections – The presumption that the materials already contain asbestos
- Sampling asbestos inspections – Asbestos consultant takes a sample which are then analysed at a laboratory to determine if asbestos is detected and the type of asbestos it may contain
Refurbishment and Demolition Asbestos Inspections
- Carried out to identify and remove asbestos materials to eliminate the risk of exposure to workers and the surrounding environment.
- Samples are taken to conduct asbestos testing to determine if the materials contain asbestos.
- Refurbishment and demolition inspections will inspect within the building fabric to find hidden materials within wall cavities and other hard to identify areas