Following their recent meeting, Building Ministers have agreed to the NCC 2022 as proposed. This represents a significant turning point in the energy efficiency improvements of our built homes going forward.

New minimal thermal performances mean our newly built homes will be set to the equivalent of a 7-star NatHERS standard. The ultimate purpose being more comfortable homes (all year round), helping improve the wellbeing of those living inside and reducing the demand on heating and cooling energy loads, which will result in lower energy bills and carbon emissions.

A release preview is due out on the 1st September 2022 with the official publish date being 1st October 2022. Stage 1 (excluding Energy Efficiency, Condensation and Livable Housing sections) will be adopted from 1st May 2023 while Stage 2, with the relevant Energy Efficiency section, will be adopted from 1st October 2023.

State Governments must now confirm their individual adoptions and if any variations are required for their States and Territories.