Autex Acoustics leads the interior acoustics industry by becoming the first company to reduce and balance all carbon emissions from business operations and products to zero.

In the latest milestone in their sustainability journey, Autex Acoustics has achieved global carbon neutrality to contribute to the international effort in addressing climate change. Through smart design, efficient manufacturing, and verified offsets, their global operations and acoustic products are all now carbon neutral. As a business they are committed to the responsible management and manufacture of their products, from the sourcing of raw materials, all the way through to the packaging of finished products, to ensure the long-term sustainability of the planet for future generations. Their ethical, social, and environmental priority is to be carbon neutral in everything they do.

Carbon neutral

Whilst the embodied carbon of their products is naturally low, they still do have a carbon impact. Through their Carbon Neutral Initiative, Autex Acoustics has mitigated their carbon impact by offsetting the equivalent emissions using certified carbon credits, making their products entirely carbon neutral. These carbon credits are generated from projects focused on renewable energy, fuel switching, and reforestation around the world.

As part of their commitment to fighting climate change, they actively monitor their carbon emissions and are committed to being a net-zero carbon organisation. In 2017, they began carbon accounting for their core manufacturing facility in New Zealand; however, as their operational footprint is global they decided to extend the scope of their carbon accounting efforts to all global operations in 2019. Now that they have baseline data on their global carbon footprint, they are working across the business to establish carbon reduction plans to help further reduce their carbon emissions in the future.

Carbon neutral

Alongside monitoring their emissions, all their products are now carbon neutral. To achieve this, they assess the carbon emissions generated by their products’ supply, manufacture, and delivery, and offset them by purchasing certified carbon credits. This is considered as an investment in the present and future generations and simply a cost of doing business. It also encourages best practices and sets the bar high as a product supplier in the building industry. Using carbon data calculated by independent experts, they invest in third-party certified carbon credits generated by the Clean Development Mechanism.

Operating at an international level means that they are responsible for protecting a range of communities. This is nothing new to the global organisation as sustainability has been a big part of the Autex Acoustics value system for decades now. To date, the move to carbon neutrality is their biggest stride towards reducing the impact of their products and operations.

Learn more about Autex Acoustics’ sustainability journey.